Start your Canadian journey with support from Lifeline Ukraine!

  • Receive invites to apply for jobs across Canada.
  • Receive customized updates on job trends, networking opportunities, and career support programs.
  • Connect with employers interested in hiring Ukrainian newcomers to Canada

The Lifeline Ukraine job portal connects newcomer job seekers to their next opportunity.

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Create your free account

Create your free job seeker account.


Complete your profile

Complete your profile, highlighting your skills, education, experience, and job preferences.


Get Matched

Based on the information you’ve included in your profile, you’ll receive invitations to apply to jobs from employers across Canada or start searching for jobs on your own. We’ll also share relevant news and resources to help you advance your career in Canada.

Get Started!

Sign-up today at the lifeline Ukraine Portal.

Featured Partnership

Windmill Microlending

Windmill Microlending is Canada’s largest and most successful microlending charity for skilled immigrants and refugees. Windmill addresses underemployment of skilled newcomers by offering affordable loans of up to $15,000 to pay for the credentials, licensing, retraining or professional development needed to achieve career success in Canada. By supporting newcomers across the country, Windmill is helping convert potential into prosperity, for our clients and for Canada. Windmill Microlending is a registered charity supported by donors, government, sponsors and granting agencies.

We're here for you!

We understand immigration can be challenging. That’s why, in addition to career opportunities, Lifeline Ukraine provides resources to help newcomers transition into their new life in Canada.

View Resources


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